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Scenes from a Global Pandemic

2 minute read

When the COVID-19 outbreak began to spread, StudioNow launched #ShelterWithStudioNow as a way to initiate creativity and connection during a time that is full of unknowns and restrictions. Through it we saw what you were baking in your quarantine kitchens and how quickly dining room tables became school desks - unity in a worldwide pandemic  As a final challenge, we encouraged our creator community to submit imagery and captions of how the coronavirus has impacted their lives and cities, big or small.

Here are a few of our favorite submissions from:

#ShelterWithStudioNow: Scenes From A Global Pandemic

Stay healthy, happy, & creative!

View all submissions to the #ShelterWithStudioNow: Scenes From A Global Pandemic Challenge

man sitting under an overhang laying out fruits and vegetables

building with people standing on the balcony

man and kid playing with bubbles in grass

store window with covid signs

people standing in line to go into store

wheat paste art on a wood wall

man holding a flag walking in front a government building

man with a really beanie hat holding a bamboo stick

granite statue with a plastic bag over its head

play structure wrapped in caution tape

View all Submissions

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