Cause-related Marketing: Finding Purpose in Hard Times
2 minute read
Being purposeful has become essential for getting through these everyday hurdles both professionally and personally these days. We have no idea when the world will go back to “business as usual” and what the new normal will be. Business marketing is the face of a company and how to keep preserving while knowing this fact is a large challenge in the current climate. One of the ways that Marketing Teams have redirected resources is with cause-related efforts. Being cause-forward will not only sustain brands but bring them to a new frontier, creating a different kind of affinity.
A few of these examples include:
- Fashion companies such as LVMH and Dior are using its perfume and cosmetics factories to produce free hand sanitizer
- Nike is using its resources to produce PPE masks for healthcare workers
- Tesla is designing and manufacturing ventilators
- Sports teams and players alike from every league are donating money and having executive foregoing salaries to support gameday, part-time, and contract workers
These companies understand how to present their purpose inline with a put a humanized causes-first tactic. These items are necessities and not passion projects, so it’s not about the marketing. However, there is intrinsic value in finding ways for marketing teams to lead with cause-related storytelling for present and future efforts. Finding this purpose will have a long-term positive impact on both people and the business.
The reasons for cause-related marketing are profound. It lets marketers feel like we’re contributing toward a bigger purpose than simply revenue. Additionally, it allows:
- Companies to show their social responsibility to consumers and the public through not just dollars donated but actions
- Illustrates the human side of the company and brand across multiple platforms and markets
- Personalizes the company and creates an affinity toward the brand
- Localizes content and shows affecting customer markets directly
Marketing Departments are one of the hardest hit during the COVID-19 crisis. It is time to make a pivotal decision to move toward cause-related marketing. There is a fear that leading with causes that matter to your business is disingenuous and a perception that if continued, it will be construed as insensitive. We have to keep persevering our company goals, bringing the vision to fruition.
If your company truly understands the business you are in, then use your insight to approach your customers with empathy.